Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Raed Tihs

If you can raed tihs, rsiae yuor hnad.  If you cna't, tehn you can raed the rset of tihs, but I dno't konw if it wlil mkae snese.  Wlel, you are raengid stmehnig vrey itreinnsetg.  The tcirk is to jblmue up the ltertes any way you wnat, but you hvae to mkae srue the frsit and lsat ltertes are in the rhigt pcelas.  It truns out, the hamun mnid tkeas the ltertes in the mxeid-up wrod and ptus tehm tgteheor so taht tehy mkae snese. And I tohught slpnleig was itrompnat!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


This is my second blog!  And it's cooler than Mr. Simpson's Rad Blog.